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Happy B-day Revolution, i remember when i first heard about it and it's motion controller, it was cool and i thought Ninty was back (i'm a fan of Ninty consoles, except the GC), but when i heard about the name "Wii" i almost cried, because the thing that i hated the most about the Gamecube was the kiddy style, and with that name i was convinced that they were about to make that same mistake again, soon the internet was full of penis jokes, i laughed but still hated the name, then i saw the E3 coverage, and it made me forget all about the name...

I didn't get it at launch, because even with the hype, i was protecting myself from a new Gamecube, so i waited and I bought it after i was sure, and i'm happy with it, still, i would like more serious games, and that they don't insult my intelligence again with the crazy-Sarah-Palin-wannabe that was presenting the conference at E3 '08...