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sweettoof said:
RE5 > LFD,


 I'm so glad when people actually take the time to read the thread before responding.

RE5 = A game that will struggle to follow the footsteps of its award winning predicessor (RE4) whose talent is no longer in Capcom. RE5 won't be bad, but it won't be ground breaking either. Like DMC4 was to DMC3, the game will tread water while superficially trying to follow the formula of its predicessor as close as possible while experimenting with borrowed elements from other games and genres (for example DMC4 heavily incorporated emo Final Fantasy story telling elements and imagery into the game's story just as RE5 is trying to incorporate Gears of War game mechanics and Far Cry imagery into it).

Like DMC4, RE5 will be okay, but will ultimately lack the spark that set its predicessor apart from the other sheep in the flock. RE5 will in addition feature alot of unecessary features that will, without much doubt, leave the game feeling busy, overworked and lacking direction in much of its execution. The story will also tread water, playing it as safe as possible by sticking to done to death themes Resident Evil fans are already familiar with and desperate to see revistied inspite of the danger of their reincorporation sacrificing the story's integrity and series' progress (Umbrella, Wesker, Chriss, T-Virus, etc). 

RE5 is not a brave new vision of Resident Evil, but rather a guarded and timid attempt to keep the franchise's lightning still in the bottle knowing full well the two most acclaimed directors of the series (And the only directors capable of moving the franchise forward) are no longer in the Company. And Capcom is going about this by following a formula that would do any holywood producer proud 1. Trying to academically and cautiously walk in the footsteps of the instalments successful as much as possible 2. Trying to drum up nostalgia by placating to tried and true elements of the Franchise that have in all honestly passed their prime 3. Steeling superficial elements and gameplay mechanics of other popular franchises and genres.

But I digress, this is completely off-topic and ranting like this benefits really no one but my own opinions.