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7.0 Presentation
This one is chalk full of references, characters, items, monsters, stages, and music from 20 years of Castlevania. The menus are a bit basic, but it captures the feel of the series.
8.0 Graphics
The character design by Takeshi Obata (Death Note) is fresh and unique, but strange. Visual effects are amazing, and models are well made. Full 16:9, and 480p. Nice.
8.0 Sound
There are some great compositions in here from two decades of source material, but it isn't as polished or ambitious as some remixes out there. Lots of VO and returning SFX.
7.5 Gameplay
There's a lot to experience, with a large roster, different styles, counters, guard crushes, supers, charged specials, and sub-weapons with Item Crushes added in. Camera is a pain.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
It's fun, but it could be bigger. Castle mode seems rushed, and lacks leveling, versatility, or any real guts. Online is fun, and battles are strategic due to great balance.
(out of 10 / not an average)

Oh my. From the begining this game was bashed by fans and non fans of the series and it's turned to be a quite enjoyable.... What happen??