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NJ5 said:
radha said:
NJ5 said:
@radha: Your post was going well until you said this:

Flops it the real measure for processors

No, it's only one of the important measures, and it's usually used as an indicator of peak performance. Real-world performance (as in most things other than benchmarks) is not always indicated by peak performance.

Please explain because i want to know if is not calculations (computations), what is more important in a processor?

EDit: processor alone not the overal system.


There are other very important things like cache size (doesn't necessarily affect the FLOPS), integer performance, branch/pipeline performance.


Deneidez too

Yes but you are talkin about the system with all the periferals i was talking about the microprocessor alone.

Edit: i was trying to explain from an electronic point of view, am use to buying microprocessor for specific applications and i buy the periferal that i need for the app am gonna use it

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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