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BengaBenga said:
thx1139 said:
BengaBenga said:


That's not true.

Besides that it's not true, it also doesn't matter. The average costumers doesn't care one bit who made the game. It's not Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties don't make quality, high budget software for Wii.


I dont know I think Nintendo is partially to blame. They have set an example with some low budget lower quality titles that have done extremely well.  Look at WiiPlay, WiiSports and now WiiMusic.  Remember this next time you celebrate WiiPlay selling so well. The high budget, high quality titles have come from the traditional Nintendo franchises which really dont take much advantage of what the Wii offers.


Not all games on DS use the touchscreen, yet there are quite a few amazing games with the traditional controls on it.

And again you try to prove something that's irrelevant. Wii sells tons of software, the brand doesn't matter at all.
If anything it's the 3rd parties that miss out on a lot of money by misinterpreting Wii's userbase. If both Brawl and Kart are able to outsell the 360 version of the biggest franchise in gaming (GTA) it's clear that traditional games sell well on Wii.

I really don't see how you can think of Wii Sports as low quality. It's the defining game of this gen and I haven't seen anyone that doesn't like it. That's definitely quality. This is the new Super Mario Bros, a game that will bring millions into gaming.



I dont know anyone who thinks WiiSports is anything but low quality. The best that anyone I know that has a Wii says about it is that at best a couple of the sports in WiiSports are fun, but nothing beyond interesting proof of concepts.

I for one dont believe that the Wii has lived up to its hype. I wonder when a backlash will occur (if ever).  When was the last big title that came out that really made use of the WiiMote? What game couldnt have been done without the motion control. And I am talking about AAA quality game not just super sales game.  WiiMusic is a failure in the regard. MK Wii is a racing game and uses the WiiMote as a steering wheel. Why not just offer a steering wheel.  SSBB plays best with a controller that doesnt even come with the Wii.  WiiFit requires (comes with) another peripheral and I also wouldnt catregorize WiiFit as AAA quality.  Mario Galaxy used the WiiMote to help gather stars.  So was the last AAA title for the Wii that really used the WiiMote was Metroid Prime 3.

Even with this my wife wants a Wii and WiiFit for Christmas. So I picked one up this past week.  Im not interested in it and the funny thing my kids arent either. They have friends with Wii's and they just dont play it much.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.