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Smashchu said:
`Oh lookie. IGN hates on another Wii game. Or better yet, reviewers down play the Wii.

My problem is IGN almost alwasy has the lowest review scores. How hard is it to review games? IGN is always low comapired to the average. They are a psuedo Gamespot.

I'm not saying this game deserved a 7 or anything like that, but chancers are, it's 10x better then what they say. plus some information is goi9ng to be wrong. S&tSR and Mario Party 8 reviews both had competly wrong info that would have not been there had IGn not rushed these out the door. They always try to put it out a day before release. Hay Einstein can I get a quality review here.

And I continue towatch X-Play becuase despite their annoying antics give fair reviews and have a lot less biases then most critics out there


My problem with Wii-fanboys such as yourself is that any time someone reviews a Wii game poorly you insert their name into the statement saying they always score too low.

IGN scored Mario Strikers Charged higher than over 25 other reviewers.

IGN has scored Madden NFL 08 for the Wii the VERY HIGHEST so far.  85.

Middle of the pack on Ratatouille:  70 compared to the average of 61.

Escape From Bug Island:  tied for 2nd highest score.

Oh, I get it...they scored Twilight Princess a lowly 95...that must be it...

Wait, Super Paper Mario got a 89 from them.  It averaged 85.  Over 25 reviewers scored lower.  I'll stop there...


Please stop discrediting reviewers just because you want games to be scored higher.