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Kwaad said: Hus - you missed one of the biggest ones. Little Big Planet If your buying a console for playing 'today' I say get a 360. If your buying what you wanna be playing next year, I say a PS3. Simple as that.
I'd say later this year. Every month from here on there is a game scheduled that should get great ratings and really start to show off the PS3. Resistance had to carry the system for awhile (although I personally enjoyed Ridge Racer 7 and I'm a sucker for the x-men legends games so of course I liked Marvel Ultimate Alliance) but now Motorstorm and Elder Scrolls is out and next month it just gets better. Just a note: RR7 is mostly RR6 but refined, and of course Ultimate Alliance is on the 360 as well, hence Resistance carrying the system even though multi-platform games were there. Def Jam Icon and NBA Street 4 (called homecourt instead of 4, but whatever) and other sports games were released as well. MLB: The Show is of course Sony so if you like that game, which I believe was the more popular baseball game last year at least (instead of EA's MVP Baseball), you have that this month. Home also goes into beta next month. Btw, out of those racing games listed above, how many support 12 players online? I am not trying to be cute here, I honestly don't know if they do support it. Motorstorm does, and I know RR7 supported at least 8, and I believe 12 as well.