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Grahamhsu said:
^Million just because it never happened to you or you don't notice doesn't change the fact that wired for gaming has been and at this rate will always be best. Look at the top CS players do any of them even use a wireless mouse? If pro gamers can't even trust a wireless mouse do you think the top players even consider wifi? I'm not sure if anyone here is claiming it's slow but the truth is Wired > Wireless in your gaming performance no matter what. Period, this isn't opinion but fact.


All 3 controlers are wireless , 2/3 of the 3 have Wi-fi , If Microsoft could put  Wi-Fi in the 360 free of charge they wouldn't because they'd rather make up the price of their cheaper hardware.


Please don't talk about "pro" players or wireless mouses because Wi-Fi is completley different , they don't even represent 20% of the overall gaming industry.