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TheRealMafoo said:
steven787 said:

So was the rest of the article. The last line just eliminated the last doubt of why any one would post it.


Interesting that you find it offensive. I mean, you are the guy who said "My eyes! My eyes, they burn with the whiteness."

I guess it's only racism to you when you are talking about black people.


There's a difference between racial and racist.  However, self-deprecating humor is acceptable in our society.   That's why it's socially acceptable for Chris Rock to say the N-word on HBO but a racist white guy has to keep it to his living room.  Racial humor that reflects on the issues of our day are seen as insightful; my joke was reflective of the problem the GOP faces right now, especially in the south.  32% of the country that is not "White non-Hispanic" and the 97% "White non-Hispanic" GOP

Beside that though: The situation of blacks as a minority that still suffers from the repercussions of centuries of slavery and racism is different than a family of a white politician in a state that still has one of the largest Klan organizations.  A black guy winning the presidency didn't suddenly solve all the disparity of race in education, in hiring, in firing, in access to medical care and in access legal assistance.

The article jokes that McCain used the N-word, which was the line cut out of his post. I was actually offended at both the racism and joking that McCain said that; neither man deserves to be the butt of that joke.

You are smart enough to be able to tell the difference between a self deprecating joke using appropriate language and joke about one race directed at an audience of another using inappropriate language.  I have asked you before not to respond to my posts so I don't have to waste my time  but I take this as a personal attack.  There are many people on here that disagree with me, we have lively discussions but they try to use reason and logic... Look at my discussions with Sqrl, Jackson50, and Kasz they are almost always reasonable.

...Or you think that a white person saying the N-word is the same as a white person saying "whiteness".

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.