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If you click the link to the article to read the whole thing, you'll see that numonex chose to cut off the last line, which was:

When asked to comment on the issue John McCain replied, “I hate niggers.”

Even before I saw that part, I found the "toothy grin" line very offensive, and I was most offended by the line about Obama doing the Charleston.  I think jokes about a black man dancing a jig to make white folks happy are more offensive than anything you could ever say about a white person.  They're up there with jokes about shoe-shining and other white-man-serving jokes.

I mean, they were joking about Obama doing this:



Whoa, I just read the whole plot synopsis for Soul Plane ( and all I can say is I'm glad it couldn't even make back the $16 million it cost to make that turd, but I'm ashamed it made twice as much money as The Adventures of Pluto Nash.

Oh man, the white family are the Hunkees!  ::facepalm::