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Ok ctk, I can tell you're not in a good way from all this, and, having been down this road a time or two myself, I know how to cheer you up. I have the ultimate turn down story, one so epic that, to this very day, it is known in at least 3 circles as "Pulling a Chris" (ok, its not that epic, but it is rather funny)

When I was in college, there was this AMAZING girl, she was funny, smart, beautiful, and for some reason she loved to hang out with me, hell, she reorganized her classes to be with me, so I thought to myself, "well, she must dig me". But, me being me, I waited until the end of the semester to ask her out (I didn't want to mess things up between us, as I had her in every class, would have been a little awkward if she shot me down lol).

So, one night I call her up and ask her out, she says yes. I do the happy dance sans Larry and agree to meet her at a local eatery. I arrived there, drunk off of whatever heavenly ambrosia Zeus allows only the truly lucky to taste, and see her sitting in the corner. With some guy.

Surely something is amiss.

I approach the table with what must have been the world's most confused look on my face and say hi. "Hi" she says "this is my boyfriend!". So, long story short, she had met this guy a week or two prior and now they were together. Why she didn't just say that was beyond me. But, the night was still young, as she told me to sit down and have dinner.

We made awkward chit-chat for about an hour before she declared, "I have to pee" and left two, very confused men, sitting alone at the table. I quicky apologized for the whole "asking his girlfriend out" thing, to which he forgave me, and said that he had no idea what was going on either. We then sat in silence for what felt like four days, but was probably four minutes. The girl gets back and now it was the boyfriend's turn to go to the loo. She askes me, eyes asparkle, "So, what do you think of him?

I left that night more confused than the time I had a 104 degree fever on the fourth of July and thought that my family had abandoned me, and the fireworks were actually the pounding fists of an Ent army come to strip me of my limbs to make, what my frazzled mind was calling "a boy switch".

Now, as if that wasn't a strange situation, it is the epilogue that makes this a real hoot. About a month later, I met this girl at work, and we started talking, and I asked her out. She said she'd like that. "Hurray for me" I thought, and said "How about Saturday?"

"Oh, I can't do Saturday", she said, "I have to have dinner with my boyfriend's family"

It was at this point that I started adding "Do you have a boyfriend" into my small talk. Maybe one day I can explain why I also ask "Do you really live in America?"as well...

Hope that helped in some small way.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement

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