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I have played the demo with 3 of my friends somewhere on the order of 20 times now in 3 days. Maybe 30 times. People in here bashing the game I almost guarantee didnt play with friends with voice on, and didnt play through it a couple times.

The fact that I have played it that many times, and NEVER had the same experience twice speaks volumes for the full game. Especially thinking of the amazing times I will have in the Cornfield level and the Forest level.

Also the fact that if that starts to get tedious, I just pop over to the zombie side and see if I can kill me some survivors.

I have been saying to my friends that this a GOTY contender since it was announced, and Im still saying it now.

Add in the fact that Valve says they will be heavily supporting this game with DLC and I think its worth every dollar spent.

I also think Diss is going to loose his bet. ;)

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"