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Gobias said:
Shadowblind said:


 You are an example of a delirium that some people have called "reveiwsmeaneverythingitus". The best cure is to stay off forums for 2-3 weeks, drink lots of water and eat healthy food. And Gobias, I could just as well say WKC will come to 360 and it would make the same amount of contextual sense as saying Star Ocean 4 will come to PS3.



Thats fantastic, but thats not what I'm talking about. Discounting an exclusive just because you "think" its gonna go multiplat is one of the stupidest things people can doconcerning games.


Lols, I'm not bashing you though. But I really have gotten sick of people doing this. We could discount FFXIII Versus with the same argument. 

Did you just have an argument with yourself?

SE has a boner for multi-platform games, SO4 has a way higher chance of going MP than WKC does.



 If you want to think that, sure, be my guest. I think makingmusic understood the idea.

But if you want another example, then I could use any third party game as an example. And if you want to look to the past instead of the future, take Tekken 6. Before it was announced for 360 as well as DMC4, would you have discounted them as non-exclusives for the PS3? I should hope nobody discounted Tekken 6 as an exclusive just "cause they thought" it would go to 360 as well.

Methinks not.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.