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I am currently a level 72 Horde Tauren (Beast Master) Hunter named Valdarus. My character is located on the Gurubashi PvP server. I have only 1 character, (just too hard for alts with being in the military, wife, and 2 daughters). Plus my 360 is a blast to play, and helps split my time. Luckily I beat Gears 2 and Dead Space right before Wrath release.

I was at the midnight release....waited for an hour before I got my copy of Wrath. Loaded it up, and have been enjoying it ever since. I have seen 3 level 80's and even a 78 Death Knight (yesterday). I mean.....sheesh.... I guess, meth + WoW= 78 DK in 3 days,....XD.

I love my hunter and love the lore of Warcraft. I have a great guild full of great friends. I honestly didnt even start playing WoW until 7 months after the BC expansion came out. Without the guild, and my friends within it, I probably would have quit WoW a while ago.

The new expansion is awesome, and I really like the look of the new gear and characters. Leveling doesnt seem as tedious, and the story arc has been very fulfilling. I only wish I could get to 80 a bit faster.....oh well, I am enjoying it. L4D comes out tomorrow so I may be splitting some of my time....been looking forward to it for months....we shall see.