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EaglesEye379 said:

Thanks for the info. I hope less people pen GT5 as a definite 2009 title after reading that.

And in regards to GoW3, I guess I missed the announcement that it was a 2009 title @ E3. If thats their deadline then its most likely going to come true since Sony is going to take a God of War game very seriously. Do you have any idea when they started development on GoW3? I guess that helps solidify unannounced dates.


They started R&D on the ps3 before God of War II was finished, and from what I know they wrote the story behind GoWII and GoWIII concurrently, so they should've been pretty far along by the time GoWII released.  They started full production immediately upon God of War II's release, back in March of 2007, so by the end of next year they'll have been working on the game for over 2.5 years, if not much longer (hell, at GoWII's release party Cory Barlog stated that the game would be 1080p and support rumble...months before the DualShock 3 was actually announced, so it's obvious they were already making plenty of headway into development).

Of course, Sony's studios have been helping each other out with engine development this generation, so I'm sure Sony Santa Monica's engine borrows heavily from Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games' engines.  Actually, GG mentioned back at E3 that they had recieved help from "the God of War guys" (as they called them) on their engine for Killzone 2.  Spending most of their time tweaking other team's engines while adding in parts specific to their game probably cut down on some development time.  In comparison, engines for games like Killzone 2 were developed almost entirely from the ground up.