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Is it me or are there too many titles out right now, particularly across PS3/360? It's crazy. I mean I could buy them all (apologies to any younger VGChartz members who can't) but how on Earth would I find the time to play all of the games I'm interested in?

Right now I'm playing LBP, Fallout 3, Bioshock and have Far Cry 2 on a shelf with RFOM2 on pre-order. I was going to buy Mirror's Edge and the new COD today but it just seemed like a silly waste of money as its probably months before I'd get time to actually play them (particularly as I've started building levels in LBP and can see that eating up yonks of my free time).

Over an above that there's a a few other titles on PS3 and Wii I'm interested in.  Then I'm playing on a mates 360 to get my hands on Gears 2 and Fable 2.

I mean choice is good - but some games/developers are going to suffer unless they have enough legs/appeal to get them sales beyond this fray.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...