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darthdevidem01 said:
Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:


PS3 missing out on "action oriented games from S-E whoch will be a new IP"

S-E's new IP's aren't that great anyway (only what TWEWY was decent recently)....n action oriented....they should stick to JRPG's imho.

so PS3 really isn't missing out on much as S-E has never proven they can make a decent "proper" action oriented new IP (unless you count KH....but thats a RPG at its roots)


So...which of SE's new IPs aren't "that great"? Pretty much most of them are on the DS and they're all cool. Many of them haven't hit the West though :3 Though we know Sigma Harmonics (just so you know...Kitase worked on Sigma Harmonics) is hitting I think. It was in Nintendo Power.

Well lets see please name me some S-E New IP's which are actually successful??

I can't name any this gen....last gen KH....nothing else.

TLR from the early previews looks to be another hiccup. To be very Rockstar ....S-E's speciality is in its BIG franchises not in the new IP's as they don't share the luxury of having the same production values n so on.


The real reason why TLR might not be as good as it could of been is because they used the bug ridden(and foriegn) UE3 engine when they shold have just used their own Crystal Tools engine.