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MikeB said:
@ TheBigFatJ

Most people, such as you, have no idea how the Cell stacks up to the Xenon

LOL, it's easy to understand the Cell is much more powerful.


We've gone around this block before. You don't seem to have any background in processor engineering. While you can reasonably argue that in some ways the Cell is faster than the Xenon, you can just as reasonably argue that in other way sthe Xenon is faster than the Cell.  And you can be right both times.  Saying that the cell is faster is a misleading oversimplification at best.

But none of that matters to gamers.  What matters is, as I said, how games look and run.  And so far, they've looked and run a little better on the 360 overall -- particularly multiplatform games.  While this is hopefully changing to both systems running games at approximately the same level, gamers did notice that and the perception seems to be that the 360 is a bit better for gaming.

And that isn't enough for most gamers to even really take notice.  So the value of you saying, "the cell is faster" is nothing for almost everyone.  That's just reality -- you can deny it if you want, but no one will pay attention to things you say if you insist that regular people see value in the fact that the Cell can do certain computations fast.

Value comes from people saying, "how well does this do what I want it to do."  If you don't want it to wifi, there is no value in wifi.  if you don't care that it has a BD drive, no value for BD drive. 

If you care that it has SPEs in it for fast parallel floating point calculation, then the very fact that it has SPEs in it for fast parallel floating point calculations has a lot of value.  But don't pretend that even 3% of gamers think that way, because they don't.