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EdGuila said:
Not only are you paying more if you buy a 360, that greater cost will carry you 5 years before it gets dropped. We seen them drop their last system prematurely. PS3 spend less on hardware and that hardware will keep them gaming for 8 more years. I doubt the 360 has 2 years left in it. They choose DVD which only makes it more likely the 360 will vanish from the planet in less than 24 months. Also 360 uses propriatery accessories, that means all that stuff you had to buy because it didn't come with the system can't be used for anything else, you need to start over with their next system.

Was that a sincere post or were you aiming for the "Nobel Prize of Misinformation"?

The 360 is not more expensive, and it won't get dropped after 5 years. The Xbox was dropped due to very special circumstances; Nvidia owned the design of Xbox's graphical card, and they didn't allow Microsoft to use it any longer. How were they supposed to make Xboxes without graphics cards?


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