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MikeB said:

@ NJ5

Value is subjective.

Yes it is. It's impossible to put an exact dollar value on things like having less of a chance of your console breaking on you, having near to no chance of discs scratching, less console noise, etc.

Free online play is easier to quantify its worth comparitively (although the 360 has no lag free 30 vs 30 squad battles or easy user content of the like supported by LittleBigPlanet), but some features like Wi-Fi, motion control, Blu-Ray movie compatibility, easily upgradeable harddrive, etc are worth more to some than others. What will be Home's value, is PlayTV useful to you, etc?

For me console power is an important factor, cell processing power, Blu-Ray disc space, default harddrive, etc are important factors. IMO this significantly enhances console perspectives, they are important factors why I think God of War 3 and Killzone 2 will be jaw dropping (technically in addition to general design).


For most people, a console's "power" is irrelevant.  Most people, such as you, have no idea how the Cell stacks up to the Xenon and rightly so don't care.  They just want games to run fast and look good.  That's where they get their value.  And while that generally tips toward the Xbox 360, it's not enough for most people to really care.

The "value" of WiFi for gaming, if you are a core gamer, is nothing.  Since you'll want to use wired whenever possible.  The same can be said for BD -- if you don't want to pay $30 for your romatic comedy movies, then it doesn't have value to you.  The point that value is different for each person and for many people wireless and BD will have zero value, or will approach zero value.  You can talk about how, for you, the PS3 is a great deal until you are blue in the fact. 

That doesn't make it a great deal for everyone.