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Eager Nationalist? No I think you have it mixed up. While I fully believe in National Soveriegnty and I don't believe in international bodies setting regulations for my country, I am more against the methods in which they are trying to establish there New World Order.

I don't believe in false flag attacks, manipulation of monetary systems, designed economic collapses and lies to push us into a One World governemnt whereas you just keeep on drinking the koolaid and make an excuse for each action.

Great thinkers are the likes of those who established freedom from Britian for the United States and Canada. Not the Global Banking Elite and their puppets who want control over the world. The public also has a right to know about every decision being made because when things are attempted in secrecy there is always corruption.

I'm sorry but I believe that it is to have more common sense to be against a bunch of luciferian megalomaniacs meeting in secrecy and setting policies for the global economy than to be like "well they deserve their privacy".

Fuck that!

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"