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I've never liked Circuit City. Ever. I'll tell you why. I think their ads are generally nothing more than a fake reason to get you into the store. I love movies and buying DVD's. So often, when a big movie would come out on Tuesday, I'd get there fairly early in the day, about noon, maybe 1pm or so. I'd walk into the store to buy the big movie they advertised in the ad. The reason I chose to go there was they maybe had it a dollar cheaper than the Best Buy. And since the two stores were in the same general area, I'd go to CC since they were slightly cheaper. So I walk in the store and look for the movie and become confused and lost by their disarray of messy racks. Finally, I try to find a worker which isn't easy sometimes there. When I do find one, they're more confused than me. Then they tell me that they sold out of it. What!?!? You just opened two or three hours ago! And it's not like anyone was shopping there so there was no mad rush of people. I think the proof is that they're closing many of their stores and other financial trouble even before this economic crisis.

So I take my Circuit City ad and head to the Best Buy where I'm surrounded my walls of displays of their new releases, all in stock, nicely laid out. I pick up my copy, walk to the register, they price match my movie and I walk out smiles. I never leave satisfied from Circuit City. Their service is a joke. The stores are always laid out poorly and games and movies aren't categorized well. The stores always looks depressing, dark and dirty.

I think anyone can look and compare Best Buy and Circuit City and see why one is suffering horribly and closing stores and the other seems to be doing ok considering the economy. The only reason I'd want for Circuit City to remain is to offer competition for Best Buy and that gives them a reason to be competitve and always offer a better store.

I'll come up with something better eventually...