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markers said:
goddog said:
foolpittier said:
If price is the issue you should still get the ps3. After two years of xbox live thats 100 dollars. With a wireless adapter that's another 100 dollars. That makes the cheapest xbox console cost 400 dollars after 2 years. The ps3 is still a much more powerful console that can play games like killzone 2 not possible on the 360. It still has a blu-ray allowing for full HD movies and games like Metal Gear Solid 4 which would require six disks on a 360. And at the end of it all your still let with and 80GB hardrive. The 200 dollar xbox model is lacking a hardrive and to buy a hardrive is so much more expensive on a 360 then a ps3.


once again why the hell does anyone use wireless gaming for a home console. its slower, people can leach off of you, and it wastes power. wired for home consoles, and wireless for portable devices. 


its not much slower, depending on your setup. people cant leach off you if you use passwords like your supposed to. doesnt waste that much power. and some people have to use wireless because they are not close to their modems to connect with the ethernet cable


And some people can't use Wi-Fi because their router doesn't have it. Anyways, footpittier was making it sound like you absolutely need an adapter, which you most definitely don't. Most people use the cable anyways. Besides, he says the 360 isn't powerful enough to handle a game like Killzone 2... lol.