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So, here i am, a goddamn atheist, nihilistic, skeptic, in love?

There's this girl, and well... When everything is okay between us, it's fucking wonderful, there's nothing better than the two of us together.

But man, she can't stand a fight. I mean, fights happen at any relationship and couples are meant to go through it as couples, but instead of talking, she goes about ending the relationship and i have to make an effort to get everything allright. Damn, she talks about how she's not good enough for me because she is too shy to make a lot of things with me and this ruins our relationship.

This must have happened a lot of times already, but this time it was a little more serious from her side, from her wanting time and all, something she never asked before.

Thing is, is not that i want a girl to wrap my arm around and call mine, it's because i fucking love her, there are other girls i know that are insterested in me and i can have them if i leave this girl behind but i can't see myself happy with anyone else.

And now, i don't know if she will come back, damn, probably yes, but i don't know if i should keep taking it...

Oh i needed to take this out, sorry people.


So, do you believe in love or you think it's just our brain messing with us and we can move on?

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"