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I am going to do something unprecedented for this thread. I will actually ignore the rhetoric about baseless assumptions, and answer the question in a concise way. Sony has publicly stated they will not offer any price cuts on their hardware this year. Sony has not commented on their long range pricing strategy either since late last year. Sony has downgraded its fiscal year forecasts dramatically. More to the point since they produced their new forecast the economy has actually slipped further, and the government has declared that the country is in a recession.

You have to understand that most of those who are going to talk up assumptions in this thread are very much strangers to the economic reality taking place around them. Most of them really do assume that Sony can sell their console at a loss some time next year, or even sell it at a meager profit. While the rest of Sony is going to be hurting, and hurting badly. When televisions, camcorders, computers, movies, and other products see a slump in sales the difference must be made somewhere. When a company is struggling just to retain profitability that is hardly the time for them to sign off on selling whatever is selling at a loss. That just makes the company bleed faster.

The answer is do not expect a price cut during this economic downturn. This is the time when Sony will need to make as much money up front from all the products that can be profitable. Which will be few and far between. Expect a real price cut when the economy begins to grow again. Which I leave up to you how long do you think this downturn will last. Given the terminations, and the freeze on hiring taking place in much of the country. I suspect we are looking at something a bit longer then six months, and perhaps closer to a year.

Seriously guys pick up a damned newspaper see what is what. You would understand that Sony is not doing too hot, and will probably be a big loser this holiday season. Their products are usually among the most expensive.