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If you've played CoD4, it's definitely a step back. It's still a good game, except (when you take into account CoD4):

- I now understand why CoD4 didn't have vehicles. Because they incorporate vehicles, certain maps are just too big for certain game types. In particular, Headquarters. HQ in vehicle maps SUCKS. The reason for this is that when you die and respawn on the other side of the map, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get to the HQ point and make a difference (i.e kill whoevers there) without it being taken before you get there (even if it's just one person on the opposition team capturing).

On top of that, the tanks are so slow that riding them won't get you to the HQ point any faster.

The number of HQ's I've taken WITHOUT a single person on the opposition team getting in there to stop me is ridiculous (and not very fun either).

- This game doesn't encourage running and gunning, the fact of the matter is, there isn't enough of a distinction between what the players wear and the environment that if you sit in one spot with either a bit of shade or something to hide behind, chances are you can just pick people off because it's so hard to distinguish between a person and an object if they don't move. Which brings me to my next point

- Loss of Technology. What I liked about CoD4 was that I could turn on night vision when I entered into a dark room. There's a few maps in W@W that could really use night vision, because I'm getting killed by campers that sit behind a shaded area that's completely blacked out. It sucks that the only way you can tell if someones there is if you have your cross hair on them and their name shows up (in which case you're probably already getting shot at).

- The Gun progression is ridiculously unbalanced. This is my biggest gripe with this game. In CoD4, I can kill ANYONE using any of the first guns available. That's not the case with W@W, you will STRUGGLE to kill many people at the start, because the later guns are superior to the earlier guns in almost every way (except maybe 1 stat and the difference is minimal at best).

That takes alot of the fun out of the game, when you know that the only reason the person who just killed you, only did so because he had a gun you can't unlock until 10 more levels, because you both spotted each other at the same time and he's has the better stats.

Honestly, it's not a bad game, It's actually quite good, it's just ridiculously unbalanced. If you go into this game thinking it'll be the next step up from CoD4, think about it as being more like CoD2 on the CoD4 engine.