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Why is this site suddenly so review-obsessive? It wasn't like this at all when I first joined. And it made perfect sense that review scores were rarely mentioned, since this is a sales site, and I think both metacritic and gamerankings have their own forums. But now, I'm seeing so many topics about reviews, and now people are trying to keep sales OUT of a thread?!

I guess I'm just sad since this site seemed great for me because I was interested in game sales, and now there seems to be no way to avoid constantly reading about review scores...but I'm ranting uselessly now, so I'll stop.

As for the games in question, I'm quite certain LBP will sell more, just from the fact that it could see sales numbers close to the best selling Banjo game (I'm going to stay vague about LTD predictions because I'm not certain). I think we can safely say Rare is not suddenly going to perform better than their N64 days with this game, judging both from past trends and differences in the overall market and the X360 userbase, so I believe LBP will almost certainly sell more. As for stealing some of LBP's sales, I believe something like that would be minimal because from what I've seen the two titles seem to aim for fairly different demographics, and they're on different consoles (so any competition is limited to multi-console owners and new console purchasers).