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Pipedream24 said:

I am one of those people who own a PS3 & 360 and I buy all my Multi-platform titles on the 360.  I'll buy the exclusives that interest me for the PS3, but I've definitely logged more hours watching Blu-ray movies on it than playing games.   I like my PS3.  I just prefer xbox live over the PSN network.

While we share the love of the worst football team to grace the NFL in years, we are the exact opposite when it comes to PS3/360.  I only buy exclusives for the 360, and buy all my multiplats for the PS3.  I dont see why people like XBL over PSN, nor have I ever heard a coherent arguement as to why one is better than the other.  The both have positives and negatives, but are pretty much the same when you get down to the details.

It makes sense as to why the 360 sells more software in NPD-land ... it had a year head start and was a forced migration path for previous Xbox owners.  The extra time on the market has allowed the consumer to invest in their stable of 360 games, and it doesnt make sense for them to make large investments in non-exclusive titles for the PS3.  This could change however, as I believe there are still large amounts of PS2 owners that are waiting for the PS3 to hit a better price point, at which time you might start to see the PS3's numbers rebound.  The is purely speculation and opinion, of course.  I could be wrong, but lower console prices mean more sales, which in turn means more games sold to consumers.



Bethesda's Todd Howard "if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."

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