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So for the past two days I've been doing nothing but playing Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. Gears 2 fever? Ha that's so yesterday! All I can say is if you enjoy puzzles, if you enjoy interactive puzzles where the entire world is your physics machine than you will hands down enjoy Banjo Kazooie. To me it's one of the smartest games this generation, because those little jiggy games in each world, though they may be easy, can also be, hard, interesting, confusing, and extremely joyful to do well. I love how there's different ways to complete the quests depending on how you made your vehicle!

For example, one of the jiggy games involved me going up to gather nuts on top of a platform that's high up and hard to drive to. What did I do? I said screw it, since almost everything in the Banjo world is breakable I created a floating truck made with balloons, run into the nut sucker (it sucks the nuts in...) and that breaks it off the wall! Put the nutsucker in my floating truck and voila, instead of bringing the nuts to the delivery, I brought the delivery to the nuts. It's awesome designing vehicles and changing them, tweaking them to do this stage better or to accomplish this better. The interactive world is also amazing, everything in this game can be moved unless it's the ground. You see houses? Why don't you try to pick it apart piece by piece! A fence is in the way? No problem! Get out of your car and move the pieces of fence to get through!

So who's got this game and wants to do some multiplayer runs?! Who's thinking of getting this game and who's on the edge because of the text? (It doesn't bother me and I barely read the text, the gameplay is what grabs me)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-