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Kamahl said: Smashchu said: Well, i see how your minds work now... Some of you kept saying that the Wii is better cause it has sold more units (not with those exact words, but that's what those posts meant), that is people's opinion, but when i say god of war won many awards, it's not a valid point? I trust the professionals more, i don't know about you. two things 1)If the Wii sold more units, then it must be better in some way to be able to keep up sales like this 2)No, the GoW thing wasn't really that valid. I was saying that Graphics are still an opinion, you got defensive and said GoW is better n00b!!11 then I said, well, thats THEIR opinion. If they like it, fine. I, personally see nothing that spectacular in it. You, on the other hand, do. Thus, it is an opinion
Please show me the vid. I will laugh if you come with the "I cant find the link" excuse.
Fine, but I know how this is ganna go down. You'll be like "OMG, that was a crappy vid" or "Are you teh blind?". It'ss the 2006 Nintendo world ones
Yeah, cause real world conversations are so similar to forums conversations...
Yeah, pretty much. It will shift because of a tanget someone brings up, a joke, or a side note. The thing is that they used sales as a reason to debate with my post, and it had nothing to do with my comment. So it would be everyone else's fault not mine. Smashchu said: I hate to say this, but he has a point. He's preety much gummed up the post with his non-scence. Please, show me my "non-scence"
Maybe non-scence wasn't the best word. But, just look at this..
The day the Wii gets a good driving game like Gran Turismo, an amazing sandbox game like GTA, and other games like God of War, Resistance, motorstorm or anything like that, i might consider getting one.
Blanten fanboyism
Oh boy, i said something, you replied with something that had absolutely nothing do do with my comment. In other words, you are a moron.
Being a jerk. BTW, the point was that while you may not think it's fun, everyone else seems to.
xD It gets funnier and funnier... I really don't think you believe all the crap you just said. Specially since God of War is known for it's amazing "Artistic design" and has won many awards. God of War pic:
Also, talking about "Artistic Design" that's quality, not design. Plus, better screen shots for SPM. In that GoW pic, there isn't much artistic design. It's nothing special. The SPM(while poor quality) made great use of colors and other odd ball elements. Theres more, but you used such a bad screen shot. Is better. The uswe of geometric shaps and the patterns in the sky. Definatly a lot more creative. Also, the Zelda shot is pure beauity using the magnificant sunset adds a mood setter. GoW is bit chiche, but thats besides the point.
First of all, i don't even know what is that supposed to mean. Who the hell is hiding? Second of all, reading your post made my eyes hurt.[quote] Being a jurk(again). Also, you "hide behind graphics" by quoting my post and saying "GoW graphics are better" basiclly being a arrogent idiot. As I said, that quality not design. [quote] You also said, the PS3 doesn't have gameplay and the Wii does, that is clearly one of the most retarded things i've ever read. The PS3 plays games just like we have always played them, you are basically saying that games from the past had no gameplay, nice one, retard.
You had a point, then lost it though insults. Also, if we wish to use critic's opinions, many PS3 games aren't as fun becuase they just suck, can't handle the hardware, or focus more on graphics(Motorsports). Most people don't find them fun becuase the things that mad them fun on the PS2, are los in the Cell processor, but this is kind of an opinion, so I'll stop there. But, ask most people, they'll tell you the Wii is funner.
You quoted me, you were replying to me not another post. don't lie.
Just an observation, but Sham usually used you as an example, not to reply to your messages. Evident from his first quote. Sadly to say, I'll stop there. My post is probobly ssky high. Half of the problem man, is you reply with insults and basiclly be a jurk. Really, chill your language. We can have an intelligent dissusion, but using insults makes you look like an idiot. Just FYI.