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Passenger57 said:
Squilliam said:
It kinda highlights the problem with Blu-Ray for Sony. The only market share the 360 can steal are the people who actually buy games, obviously people who want Blu-Ray aren't going to buy a 360. This holiday season can do nothing good for Sonys attach rate.



True, I am a prime example of this as I don't have a Blu-Ray player, but if it becomes the standard and I need to buy one it will be the PS3. My gaming will be done on the 360 with the occasional but rare PS3 exclusive I can't get on the 360. Games like LBP don't interest me that much so I might get a used copy for really cheap in a year or so. There are a lot of people I know who carry this same Idea about the PS3



I'm pretty much in the same boat (expect LBP interests me).  IMO the 360's controller and XBL are difference makers over the ps3.  I'm sure i'll get a ps3 one day, but I can't see it ever being my main system of choice.