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Gnizmo said:
iyzy said:

In LBP you dont edit, you create. Being able to share this online using a games console, is something that i have never seen before.

 Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3 let you create levels and share them on a console. Smash Brothers Brawl had a level creator, Blastworks lets you build and share levels, and more I am certain I have forgotten. This is far from the first time it has ever been done. It is an evolutionary step down a path that has long existed.


you are saying the same that everyone that has not played says , you guys think is only  lvl editor but in LBP you can create elements too like in  Banjoo is latest game but no limited to cars. Can you, for example, create a new vehicle in UT3??? i can make a robot in LBP.  Have to seen the last 2 boss fight on LBP??? there are some poeple creatin amazing lvls already and also cool bosses.


I think the Best lvl editor ever made is the one on WC 3(look at dota), but anyway LBP is more simple and you can do more complex things than with the WC3 edit.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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