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trestres said:

Here's the last paragraph of the review I just linked, so you see I'm not trolling, like you imply.

If this is your first crack at Animal Crossing, or if you enjoyed the GameCube original and missed out on the DS Wild World, you’ll still find plenty of addicting qualities in City Folk. In spite of some minor gameplay-related regressions, this is in fact the best Animal Crossing to date. The problem is, it receives this blessing purely due to the fact that it successfully combines the better qualities of the first two titles and then lumps more collectible content into the mix—not because it provides any sort of earth-shattering innovation that one might expect from a high-profile, full-price Wii title. Couple that realization with mediocre graphical presentation and recycled musical content and you have something that qualifies, in some regards, as a mere port. The online chat features are great, but the selection of activities is just as thin as ever; and for anyone who’s experienced this before, it’s tough to recommend more of the same.


Gameplay A solid, yet rapidly staling, core gameplay can’t rescue City Folk from a crippled online infrastructure that had held so much promise. If you’re new to Animal Crossing, you won’t mind the missteps so much… but veterans will cringe in disbelief.
Presentation Dated graphics are lightly polished, but still resemble that of an N64 title. Nearly all of the music, on the other hand, is directly lifted from the Nintendo DS title of three years ago. Inexcusably long load times contribute to the frustration.
Value Tons more collectible content has been added to the mix, with the total number of items now topping 2,400—nearly double the previous figure. Still, it’s hard not to dream about what could have been had the creative minds at Nintendo approached this project in full force.
Fun Factor It’s hard to deny Animal Crossing its relaxing yet addictive appeal, however aged. Hardcore fans, however, are bound to find the formula tiring.


Last paragraph of this review."

"Animal Crossing: City Folk is one of the most charming and entertaining life sims out there, with lots to explore and experience. All in all, players probably won't complain much. It's true that this game is an expanded rehash of the DS version, but in this case, that's not a bad thing. Innovation could have been taken even further, but overall, players will be left with a great taste in their mouth thanks to everything this game has to offer. Devoted Animal Crossing fans should not hesitate to pick up the game, unless they prefer to always have it on-the-go. Casual gamers who have yet to enter the world of Animal Crossing should definitely give this one a go, and those who are looking for a more in-depth gaming experience will just have to look elsewhere. AC is not for everyone, but it sure is the best of the best for those who are able to get into it!"


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