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I went on this HUGE Wii kick for awhile where I played and beat (when it's an actual beatable game) pretty much every single Wii game that interested me (Zelda, Mario, Kart, Brawl, Metroid and many others). I'm now left a bit bored with it. There's very little already out that interests me that I haven't already played. I'll rent a few, but no purchases. I'm hoping for the Conduit and Punchout to reinvigorate my enthusiasm for the console. It's the same thing that happens to me with every Nintendo console. I love it to death for awhile and then run out of things to play on it. My advice: spread out your purchases and enjoy each game while it lasts. Beware of the HUGE amount of absolute junk available on the system.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.