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ctk495 said:
Hawkeye said:
ctk495 said:
I'm not sure if to sell my 360 or keep it once I beat the last games that I have to beat on my other consoles I'll reflect whenever or not to keep it or sell it.Fable 2 and banjo and other games are for the 360 so I think I'll keep it and get xbox live.


Nuts and Bolts is fantastic. I have finals soon and I was only going to play the game for an hour but I played for about 6 hours becuase it was so much fun. Better than the old banjos imo, and I am a prety big Banjo fan. It reminds me of super mario sunshine, another game I really liked. My advice if you get it is this- explore a bit, do a few challenges, get the hihg grip tires, and immidiatly go to the gym and fully max out you're speed. You will be about 25% faster on foot than your starter car. I like playing on foot, running around showdown town and the game worlds. Logbox 720 is a crappy level though. Also, flying through the air really fast on levels and then bailing out and watching banjo fall down 1/2 a mile high for 15 seconds is really cool. He can't die either... unless you glicth the game and fall out of showdown towB

Better than the old banjo's? That's great I've definetly get it alongside fable 2.



Eh be careful you may not like it... its extremely different... platforming is about 5% of the game. Also, collecting is about 10% of the game. In Banjo 1, platforming was about 40% of the game, and collecting was another 40%, with about 20% being exploring. In this game, exploring for me is about 45%, with 5% platforming, 10% collecting, 20% builing, and 20% doing the challenges. Its nothing like the old games, but its a type of game I really wanted. Its basically a sandbox platformer/builder hybird thing where you can explore or do challenges or play mini games at the arcade. Music and graphics are both fantastic.

I like Super Mario Sunshine more than mario 64... this game is an even bigger departure than that. SMS sushine had the most exploring of any mario game, and this game has even more than that. If you loved SMG (a linear platformer) you probabl won't like this.

If the main reasons you like Banjo Kazooie were






then you will like this game alot. There is alot of optional collecting in showdown town and imo its the best part of the game. If it looks like you can get on the roof... you can. You can get pretty much any where. Keep in mind that you can use the trolly as a moveable platform to get you across mud piles, up to the lowest point on a roof/get onto a flower box to jump on a roff ect. Also, you can climb polls and shimmy across wires.