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Well, I have had an Xbox 360 for about 4 months now and I really wanted to review it. Here goes-

Xbox 360 review

Console Design- 6/10

Looks bland and generic, yet its size and curviness and chrome finish makes it look cool and powerful.

Controller- 9/10


A great controller. Great control sticks/buttons. Needs a better Dpad.


Online- 7/10


In my opinion, the Xbox 360 Pro should come with a wireless receiver, and online should be free. Online is great, but for me, its too expensive to justify using since I don’t like online that much. For others, online is “worth it” but having to pay detracts from the value.


Local Multiplayer- 5/10


Has some decent local multiplayer games and a couple really good ones. On the whole, local multiplayer isn’t too great though. Decidedly average.


Graphics- 8.5/10


Not quite as big a leap as Snes to N64 or N64 to GC, but I suspect that graphical leaps in general are going to get smaller from here on out. Graphics can basically be described as “Super Xbox”


Console Quietness- 4/10


Somewhat noisy, but really only a problem in soft, slow, tender parts of games, or moments of suspense. In general, its annoying but tolerable.


Pricing- 9/10


The arcade is fairly priced. The Elite is a form of price discrimination and is overpriced to pick off suckers who are willing to overpay. The Pro, the main SKU, is a pretty good deal. I just wish it came with a wireless receiver. On the whole though, I feel 360 has the best value for the price, with PS3 also having good value and Wii being about $100 overpriced, or 40% overpriced. Game prices are $60 which is kind of high, but if you get one now you can just buy onld games for $20 and you will probably never catch up so games will run you $20-$30, with the occasional $60 for games you really want (ex Gears 2)


Game Library- 10/10


By far the most important section. I have never heard of a console gaurenteed to lose the console war having the best games library of any current gen console.


Exclusives- ranked by how much I like them


Note- games I am not interested in are not included. The most notable exceptions I can think of are Gears of War, Gears 2, GTA4, and Bioshcok


  1. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
  2. Banjo Kazooie XBLA
  3. Geometry Wars XBLA
  4. Tales of Vesperia
  5. Banjo Tooie XBLA
  6. Halo 3
  7. Fable 2
  8. Viva Pinata
  9. Conker Live and Reloaded
  10. Pac Man Championship Edition
  11. Lost Odyssey
  12. Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
  13. Geometry Wars 2 XBLA
  14. Halo Wars
  15. Mass Effect
  16. Halo
  17. Halo 2
  18. Star Ocean 4: Last Hope
  19. Kameo: Elements of Power
  20. Castle Crashers XBLA
  21. Worms XBLA
  22. Spectral Force 3
  23. Halo 3: Recon
  24. Vigilante 8 XBLA
  25. Portal: Still Alive
  26. Ninja Gaiden Black (technically this and sigma are different games)
  27. Ninja Gaiden 2
  28. Aces of the Galaxy XBLA




  1. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
  2. Eternal Sonata
  3. Burnout Paradise
  4. Ultimate Sega Genesis Collection
  5. Sonic The Hedgehog
  6. Sonic Unleashed
  7. The Orange Box
  8. Burnout Revenge
  9. Assasin’s Creed
  10. Devil May Cry 4
  11. Guitar Hero 3
  12. Guitar Hero: World Tour


Overall console rating (not an average)

