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Today marks the second birthday of PS3 in North America. I can't believe I have owned this console for two years already! This thread sends thanks out to Sony for giving us a truly amazing console. We had a bit of a rough start, but for me, things have gone up eversince Warhawk launched.

The last two years have deffinitly taken my gaming experience with the PlayStation brand to the next level. Mandatory mentions go to Warhawk, Folklore, R&C, COD4, GTAIV, Assassins Creed, Ninja Gaiden, Wipeout, Soul Calibur, DMC4, Little Big Planet, MGS4, Uncharted, the Resistance series, Pixeljunk, Stardust and Blast Factor. I'm sure I missed some!

The future is looking even brighter, here's to (8?) more years with Playstation 3, one of the best consoles I have ever owned.

Sorry if someone beat me to this!