shams on 27 March 2007
Hus said:
HappySqurriel said:
to learn their lesson ...
5 Million people will not buy a PS3 without any games for it
We will not get a second job in order to buy a PS3
Most of us don't care about Blu-Ray
Most of us don't own a TV capable of 1080p
We dislike Sony calling something a gimick only to turn around and copy it
And finally, we will not spend $600 on a console when there are good consoles on the market for $100 to $400
most.... dont look at your self and think most are the same. Most sure as hell aint the same as you.
game were available from day one.
any one on minimum wage can affored a PS3, only bums cant.
many care about BR
most will own a hdtv, 1080p is not needed omn smaller tvs.
LOL you think they came up with it in a month.... ike they made home in a few months lol.
millions already did spend $600 hell many spent $800!
cant wont... thast just you.
And me. Although I could buy one now ($1500) if I wanted - its still a WASTE of money. My HDTV doesn't play PS3 well (no 1080p) - the 360 would run a lot better. I barely buy DVD's - and couldn't care less about BluRay (I care about content/price much more than quality).
Bums? That's a bit harsh... Im sure there are lots of students and other people out there who would struggle to come up with the cash.
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