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c0rd said:
atma998 said:

 Why did you combine PS3 and X360? Also Wii Sports and Wii Play are bundled games. Wi Fit and Mario & Sonic are'nt compilation games. This is absolutely ridiculous. What are you trying to prove here? Try at least to be fair!

I combined the two because counting the multiplats twice isn't "fair" at all. Also, I don't see why combining the sales is all that unreasonable - they're the same game, after all. It also makes it easier to compare to.

Wii Sports may be bundled, but it would still be #1 if it weren't (at worst, it would be #2). If you discount Wii Play due to bundles, then take out Resistance and MGS4.

Mario & Sonic looks like a compilation of mini-games to me. I wouldn't normally throw Wii Fit in there, but you threw MGS4 and GTAIV into the shooter mix. At that point, I don't see calling Wii Fit a mini-game compilation a stretch, because technically it is.

I was trying to prove your viewpoint of "shooters sell on HD consoles" is as flawed as "only mini-games sell on the Wii." Note the Wii is my primary console - I just think you're being extremely biased.

Ok I got your point. But you got to admit that shooter games are the best selling games on HD while there isn't a particular type of game associated with the Wii (sorry you arguments about mini-games didn't convince me at all). Just take a look at the weekly charts. I'm just tired of PS360 fanboys who bash on Wii just because it sell more than their console of choice.