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Euphoria14 said:
Riachu said:
Euphoria14 said:
Riachu said:
Euphoria14 said:
TLR >>>>>>>>>>> WKC

Why? Simple answer.

It is made by the SaGa Team, DUH!

If TLR does well, then it will be the first game made by the SaGa team that sells well outside of Japan.



SaGa Frontier 1 & 2 should have done better.

Stupid Westerners.

I know how you feel. When you love a game really much that doesn't sell as well as you want it to, it can be a major pain. At the same time, you can't blame people for avoiding the SaGa series like the plague. The general opinions about the series is that it has great ideas but is marred by poor design choices.


Good thing I never cared for the general opinion huh?

I am one of the fortunate ones.

How can someone not love SaGa Frontier? TimeLord > ALL.

How can someone not love SaGa Frontier 2? Gustave + Will Knight > ALL (Well... except TimeLord of course)


I also love how this dev team always tries something different yet seems to still somehow remain just perfect enough to satisfy an old school turn style JRPG fan like myself.

One of these days their ideas will bring us an amazing game and here I hope TLR is that game.

I definitely know that battle system looks very interesting and is a nice change of pace from the standard turn based battles of other turn based JRPGs.