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mrstickball said:


People are so willing and quickly to attack someone based on an honest, incosequential mention and assume that I'm trying to bash the Wii.

What I meant to say or convey was "HD systems" - the PS3 and X360. Since the Wii version isn't a carbon copy of both, thats what I was attempting to differentiate them from. I meant no disrespect for the Wii. And why are Wii owners taking offense? This is a post about a Xbox 360's game sales. Not the Wii. Go elsewhere to talk about the Wii. This is a Microsoft forum so we talk about Microsoft products from a Microsoft slant.

And having said that, I expect the Wii version to do well - or at least I hope for it to do well. The Wii hasn't had a game of this type in a decent bit of time (a AAA shooter), so I think it could do well in the long run. In all honesty, if I had a Wii, it'd be one of the first games I'd buy.

 Who has attacked you here? People pointed out where you made a comment that was used for over a year by various forum trolls. It might have been an innocent slip up, or it might be a reflection of what you think. Personally I could not care less. Either way you should expect to be called out when you make posts like that. It also shouldn't matter where people make troll like comments in terms of what forum you are on. I should be able to make false, and inflamatory statments about the 360 in the Nintendo forum. All that said I can easily believe it was just an innocent mistake that will be edited out eventually.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229