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Kazuruu Michico, from the magazine Japan Today, wrote an article about 4D Gaming, The PS3, and The PS4. Here is the translated version :

" There is talk of intergration of the PS3 into a whole cell blade server system (4D, constantly changing environments due to some idiot blowing things up when your offline), eventually making games intergrated with online environments, meaning game developers create their entire game environment (Crowds, Physics, AI...) online (which means the graphics of the environment will constantly improving after the release of the game), therefore the only thing you'll have on your discs are the story, character models, voice overs, ETC., it's ambitous and is being made possible for the PS3 or PS4 (Epic is trying to do something similar for UT 2007, Animal Crossing doing this to an extent), but the problem is bandwidth restrictions and some other things their trying to workout... it'll be intresting to see how this will work out.

Essentially this is what Mr. Kutagari dreaming up (obviously WoW, and the matrix being a big factor for his idea) 4D, eliminating HDDs (with online accounts replacing this issue) and optical discs(Hello! Matrix), basically this WoW extreme with the entire gaming world in one server permenantly elimanating backward compatibility issues, making PSP2 par with future playstations etc.

Given Sonys current track record this entire combination is PS4 based.

Furthermore it'll be intresting to see this in a unified game on the PS3, rather then only on UT 2007, hey we may even have something similar and bigger then WoW on are hands. "


Basically the environments change over time (the 4th dimension).