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I think you missed my point totaly. I was saying that a dev for Wii shouldn't make a port from PS3/x360/PS2/PSP or whatever they should build their game from the start for the Wii.

Last time I checked (that was some where around marsch/april I think) and I think it was you and I that had the same conversation. Then as now I stated that 3rd party Wii had sold more totally than all software sales for PS3 in USA. Since then things hasn't been that much better for PS3.

Look I am not saying that PS3 + xbox360 is selling worse than Wii. I am saying that software sales on Wii is good and if you make an effort you can strike gold.

It is also nice to see that you are always pulling those 3rd party games that has sold more on PS3 than Wii and not everyone. What about Tiger Woods Wii? It has sold 350k in USA alone (PS3 183k), UK should have moved at least another 100k looking how long that game has been on the chart. OR why not Sonic Wii against Sonic PS3? Potter has on Wii sold 2x the amount on PS2!




By the way don't assume that it is easy to port between PS3 and xbox360, I think that the delays during the last weeks for PS3 is if something enough to prove that it isn't the simplest thing to do. There is big difference in the design of the CPU for xbox360 and PS3.



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!