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Think about it. In the beginning, Nintendo said we were "playing with power". Fair enough. The NES was a strong console, given proof by its ability to play the 1 MB MegaMan game. Then as years went by, Nintendo started getting aggressive, to the point where their slogan was "Get N or Get Out"

Let me emphasize what I just said: "Get N or GET...OUT" How inviting is that to people looking for a new potential console to purchase? That isn't friendly in the least bit, and brings up the attitude that "well, I don't need to buy their system in the first place, so I won't have to get out... SINCE I'M NOT GOING IN!"

Their attitude towards 3rd parties was bad (as we all know), given proof by their release of DMA Design as a business partner (they went on to make a little known game we now call Grand Theft Auto 3).

The public didn't "Smell what the N was cookin'" so to speak, and Nintendo was left cold saleswise.

So now they have been humbled and cater to the casual crowd they Jason Voorhies'd all those years ago. They make games for everyone again, like they did with the NES and they are achieving success quicker unlike anything seen in the industry. Even though the PS3/360 have "the better libraries" that suit the "hardcore" gamer, the same "GET OUT" mindset is rearing it's butt-ugly head. People are afraid of trying to figure out how to control the "POWWAA" of these multimedia systems.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."