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jesus kung fu magic said:
Snaaaaaake said:
megaman2 said:
skeezer said:
Snaaaaaake said:
Jesus Christ you give Sony fans a bad name.

Get over yourself.


WHo are you?


And yes that thread wAS FUN!! and EPIC!

He is a nobody loll


Better to be a nobody than someone who thinks they are the second coming of Jesus. Seriously, why feel the need to bring up this 'Sony leader' stuff all of the time? Do you have some need of telling yourself you are important so you have to proclaim yourself the 'leader' of Sony? And yet you have the audacity to criticse me?

I myself are a big fan of Sony and most of their products because I feel that they offer greater value than many other companies, but it does not mean that I create a group centred around myself as the leader and then constantly refer to it as if to try and put yourself above other people. The 'following' you have here is nothing short of a cult.



Dont flatter megaman2 this isnt a cult , its just a bunch of members being sarcastic with megaman2 but he is far to blind to see it ,its pathetic.



uu mad 1, cool yourself there is such thing as internet humor, but hey i guess some people got it and some people dont got it,  and you my lil friend dont got it

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st