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Soriku said:
Exactly, especially since ToS: DotNW is out ;) I wonder if sales for that game will increase for the rush.

I went on a big adventure today and two stores I visited didn't even have the game out on shelves yet... >_<   All three of the stores I visited had a very limited quantity.



Today, I visited 2 Best Buys and a Gamestop.  I drove down to Best Buy down in DE (no tax!) with the intention of buying: A DS, NSMB, Zelda:PH, Call of Duty:WaW, Tales of Symphonia:DoTNW, and a few other gadgets.  At the two Best Buys, I saw MOUNTAINS of Wiis... and I saw four people walk out with one.  I also visited another South Philly Best Buy, same thing...  I never saw that many Wiis available for purchase at one time ever.

Also, I never seen so much shovelware in my life.  I mean, good God... there are Wii games out I never even knew existed!