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Posted in another thread. Repost:

Sony's in a bit of a pickle. No price cut this year, but they may have a problem when it comes to PS3 sales in November and December.

Last year, at the beginning of November, the PS3 had a new 40g SKU, a new low price of $399 AND several big Blu Ray titles to push the format. This gave the system HUGE momentum. This year? None of that will be a factor (face it, Blu Ray isn't as 'hot' as it was last holiday). Add the economic situation to the mix and ... well, I guess I'll just say it:

November and December COULD be the first months of 2008 where the PS3 does not have a YoY increase.

That would be a bad situation for the gaming division financially AND as far as PR. And with retail performance being so low in October, the other divisions of Sony may be in trouble for this final quarter of 2008 (lots of companies will!).

With profitability being such an important thing to them lately, how would all of this bode for a price cut even early next year?