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bdbdbd said:
Jedah Dohma said:
Gnac said:
Jedah Dohma said:
The Wii doesn't have too much to offer compared to the PS3 and 360.

If you want a big selection of quality titles, you're buying the wrong system. I don't understand why you're buying it period if there aren't many games for it that interest you.

I think you should get a 360 instead.


Wrong. How about "You should get a 360 as well", then you'll have an even bigger range of great games.

No, get a 360 instead. Getting a Wii as well will only give you slightly -- very slightly -- bigger range of great games. If he wants something to go along with the 360, I would suggest a Nintendo DS. But the Wii really doesn't have much to offer.

If you'd want the best combination, you'd do as i; get Wii and Nintendo DS.


There's really a problem woth the 360 library, outside a couple of genres, there's hard to find anything to play, while Wii (and DS) cater for much wider genres. Which leads into a situation where 360 doesn't have much about anything to play (outside DVD:s).




360 only has a small range of games that have that "Nintendo flavor" Outside of, say, Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, Banjo 1+2 rehashes (well worth buying though- now in HD!), Viva Pinata, Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise, and the first Geometry Wars, there arn'y really any 360 games like what the Wii has to offer. imo the 2nd GW has a dif flavor and isn't even really the same. If you have friends, imo its worth paying $430 for a Wii, 4 new official GCN controllers, and a used $30 copy of brawl. Also if you didn't have a GC, its BC, and there are about 15-35 games worth picking up from GC, depending on your gaming tastes.