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ManusJustus said:
Kasz216 said:
ManusJustus said:
elprincipe said: 

The New Deal was a dismal failure, in other words, as it completely failed to produce an economic recovery, thus proving for all time that government cannot produce economic prosperity.

Just look at Germany and the Soviet Union at the same time.  While the United States and Britian were bogged down by the Great Depression, Germany and Russia nationalized their economies and turned themselves from economic 'poor houses' to superpowers.

The fact that countries like Germany and Russia prospered during the Great Depression is ample evidence to prove your statement inaccurate.

Ever hear the term "The cure is worse then the disease." 

I'm not saying that Germany and Russia were great by any means, I'm saying that since their since economies prospered during the Great Depression that it proves the idea that 'all government intervention is bad' is wrong. 

The extreme government interaction led to Nazism and "Communism"  that lead to two of the worst killing sprees in the history of the world.

I'd say your arguement is a bit off base.  Furthermore, their intervention was much more solid.

To use other governments as a case study that used much more drastic means seems like a bad move.