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Reject said:
Riachu said:
OT7 said:
If SquareEnix take the bed after the Last Remnant 360's version is launched,then we have to expect flop sales for the PS3's one,Eternal Sonata and Bioshock shows how important time-exclusives affect a multi release.

I'll get along with WKC taking the crown for the end of the year at Japan.

WKC will outsell TLR in Japan but in terms of worldwide sales, it could go either way. They are both high profile JRPGs with their fair share of hype. They're also being published by game publishers will some serious marketing cash in their pockets.



Oh really?


The Last Remnant has hype on par with Infinite Discovery and TOV which is small.

WKC and SO4 are on par with each other in terms of hype which is a good amount.

FFXIII and Versus are on par with each other as they are FF games so hype amount is immmense

The Last Remnant is a high profile game.  S-E want the game to be a huge success.  At TGS 2008, there was a sizable amount of people in line to play the demo so I would say that it's hype level is more or less on par with WKC and SO4 which, just like you said, have decent hype levels.